I’m grateful for (add yours), this is how a tumblr website invites its readers to actively participate in the composition and expansion of the idea of expressing gratefulness.
Whilst postcards and thank you notes existed for ages now, this website gives people the chance to voice their gratitude on everything; from skittles to having brothers and an internet connection.
With so much technology, wealth, excess and even more waste, individuals tend to forget taking a step back and recognizing their good fortune. Most people are likely to complain about minute problems, or should I say: mere nuisances. Getting so preoccupied with work, money and personal trivial mishaps, we never realize how many things we mechanically enjoy, but never take time to appreciate.

expressing gratefulness for all the things that make us smile
No more overlooking of the small, yet substantial things in life. Things capable of putting a smile on our faces and help us escape reality, no matter how briefly, need to be recognized as such. Taking a minute to think, one surely can find many things to be grateful for.
Being able to recognize and hence appreciate, life’s small joys, admittedly shifts one’s perspective on life entirely. In fact, no matter one’s starting point, goals, current condition and problems, the ability to perceive one’s good fortune, instantly makes life more promising, significant and positive.
Understanding the importance of certain people, actions and even objects, is what after all, makes people happy and fuel their existence with hope. Who we are is ultimately what we find comforting and significant, an actual part of us.
On this website, individuals contribute with their own perspective on gratefulness, by adding the picture of an object or person they express gratitude towards. Perhaps they’ve figured it all out; happiness is not about having it all, but being thankful for what you’ve already posses.
Admittedly, if one wants to, they can certainly find a million negative things to complain about, yet it takes only a moment of serenity to focus on the good things and realize the abundance of positivity in our lives.
I’m grateful for morning coffee. What are you grateful for today?
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