Crazy Sex Trends That Existed In The History!

It’s weird to think about our ancestors with all such kinky things in mind. But a funny truth is that the people in our history were much more bold than we could imagine. You must be wondering what exactly did they do to spice up things in their life? Well here are some examples of very daring and sensuous trends that existed very much in the past.

1. Ancient Egypt (3100-332 BC): Lipstick Means You’re Open To Oral

red lipsred lips
The ancient Egyptian enthusiasm for oral sex is credited by some historians with creating another cornerstone of modern society: lipstick. Egyptians are often thought to have been the first culture to wear makeup. Under this theory, the Egyptian enthusiasms for makeup and oral sex collided when ancient Egyptian courtesans publicized their oral prowess by coloring their lips — a practice that eventually evolved into our modern red lip classic thing that you like.

2. Ancient Rome (753 BC- 476 AD): Avoid impotency by avoiding lettuce

The Romans believed that certain foods possessed anti-aphrodisiac qualities — particularly lettuce. Ancient Romans were suspicious of lettuce, which they believed could instantly render men impotent. So Roman males tended to avoid the green stuff — which I can only assume led to a lack of fiber in their diet.

3. Middle Ages Europe (400-1400): Fall In Love From Afar

You can’t stop people from banging, even if you make crazy rules about it, and so people in the Middle Ages kept on doing it. But the restrictions on sex — as well as changing ideas about things like whether marriages should be arranged by families or voluntary — led to the creation of a concept called “courtly love” in the late 11th century.

4. Puritan-Era United States (1500-1700): Do It Wherever And Whenever You Can

The Puritans has sex! A lot. By some estimates, one in three Puritan brides were pregnant on their wedding days.
But while that sounds shockingly modern, the average Puritan was also into some stuff that we’d consider advanced-level sexuality today. Like public sex. Having sex in a field, forest or hedge was a normal part of Puritan life, as was having sex in an outhouse, porch, or a room where other people were present. It’s not (necessarily) because they were wildly kinky — there just wasn’t a ton of private space indoors, which made such public sex a necessity.

5. Victorian Era (1837-1901): Prescription Vibrators?

Victorian women diagnosed with “hysteria” (basically any physical or mental health issue) were treated by being brought to orgasm by doctors with vibrators. Some historians have come out to say that our understanding of vibrators and hysteria is confused, and that while Victorian doctor Morton Granville invented the first motorized massager, it was created only to treat injured muscles, not love muscles.

Categories: Lifestyle
Sukhmani Nayer: A girl who travels on nothing from nowhere to happiness.