Clever Witty Statements to Shut Somebody’s Mouth! Arm Your Tongue!

Jerk-faces seem to find a way back into our lives one or the other way. Not only them but you can get into an argument with any of your friend or boyfriend as a matter of fact. Learn to be clever and make them taste a piece of their own bitter tongue.

1. “I’m more of a woman than you’ll ever have, and more of a man than you’ll ever be.”

This is the ultimate insult, because it allows you to criticize a man on multiple levels. And say it with a fake sarcastic smile.


2. “Earth is full. Go home.”

For the ones going all crazy on you.

3. “Well, I would punch you, but I just did it verbally ten times.”

If they are not verbally armed this is the best punch line.(pun intended)

4. “I really wish your mouth had a snooze button.”

Really works with a person yapping all bullshit things about the past and yada yada

5. “I`m busy right now, can I ignore you some other day?”

Your schedule is full, so you have no time to deal with stupidity.

6. “I would engage in a battle of wits with you, but I never attack someone who is unarmed.”

It will hit them right in the feels!

7. “You must have me confused with someone who cares.”

Use this line when you’re sick of listening to someone’s talk.

8. “I know I’m talking like an idiot. I have to, otherwise you wouldn’t understand what I’m saying.”

It’s an alternative for saying “You’re stupid”

9. “I could say nice #things about you, but I would rather tell the truth.”

You know ‘cuz Honesty is The Best policy!

10. “If you’re going to be two-faced, at least make one of them pretty.”

For the two faced bitches!

Categories: Lifestyle
Kritika Raj: Future economist with a touch of humour.