Blindfolded Muslim Man Asks Strangers In Paris To Hug Him

A blindfolded Muslim man stood in Republic Square in Paris with his arms open offering mourners of Paris attacks to hug him. He put out two signs reading “I am a Muslim, but I have been told I am a terrorist” and “do you trust me? If yes, hug me.”. As people gathered around him and started clicking his pictures, one by one tearful mourners approached the man and embraced him.

This proves that the ISIS Paris attacks have been unsuccessful in creating a divide between cultures in the city, and not all people are ignorant and guided by prejudice.
The video sends a powerful message of compassion and community at a time when many corners of the world proudly display Islamophobia.
Watch the beautiful video here:

Categories: Lifestyle
Vertika Khullar: Social Media Enthusiast. Free Spirit. Chicken Junkie. True Sagittarius.