Balika Vadhu, a household name in every Indian home is coming to an end. The show started 8 years ago on 21 July, 2008. The show was an instant hit from the day of its first episode. Aanandi and Jagya were the names that were known to every person in this country.
The show that dealt with some serious social issues like child marriage, widow remarriage, adult education and female foeticide entered the Limca Book of Records in May 2016 for being India’s longest running show after completing 2225 episodes. Can you believe, it is more than 2225 episodes.
The channel felt that the show has run its course and it made no sense to drag it any further, according to sources. Also, the show no longer has the same kind of ratings it used to garner previously. The changes of show timing and the jump from one generation to another were reportedly a few factors which affected the ratings of the show.
On July 22, the cast and crew will do their final shoot and on July 31, it will be on air for the last time.
Apparently the team was to be given a two-month notice by the channel, which did not happen. Mahhi Vij who is playing the lead protagonist in the show said, “We were informed on Tuesday that the show is ending on July 31 and July 20 will be our last day of shoot. It was picking up in the 8 pm slot even during the IPL, but the channel suddenly shifted it to 6.30 pm. We didn’t even get a chance to make it work. I had turned down a lot of offers for this one because of its long run and legacy so this is most unexpected.” Ruslaan Mumtaz also had something similar to say, “We were promised we’d get two months’ notice before the soap wrapped up, but we’ve been informed just days in advance.”
Finally some soap opera is coming to an end, even if it is after 8 long years.