A Prostitute Gives A Stockbroker An Advice He Could Not Ignore

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Many a times we judge about the intelligence of someone just by their profession. A stockbroker who trades daily is considered someone who takes wise decisions. Whereas a prostitute is never taken seriously. She is expected just do her ‘job’ and there is no need for her to say anything or give any kind of big advice. If she does that she is mocked and told that do what you are supposed to do, nothing beyond that.

In a short film by Imtiaz Ali, #IndiaTomorrow, a stockbroker is given advice by a prostitute. He is skeptical about the advice given by her from the very beginning but agrees to her for his own profit. Later, like so many of the ‘knowledgable men’, he tells her to get into finance professionally as she is good at it. But she clearly dismisses his advice, making it clear that she knows what she has to do and nobody can tell her about the choices that has to be made by her. She will do what she wants and not what is told by everyone or what society dictates her to do.

Watch the short film here.


My short film – #IndiaTomorrow

Posted by Imtiaz Ali on Tuesday, 5 April 2016


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