A Little Girl thought That This Bride Was A Princess From A Fairy tale and Then This Happened!

A toddler on a walk with her mother in Seattle in February mistook a bride for a princess from the book she was holding at the time. Newlyweds Shandace and Scott Robertson were taking wedding photos in February when they encountered Kelsey Edwards and her daughter, who were walking back from a yummy cupcake treat.




The girl was mesmerized by Robertson’s beauty, thought the bride was the fairy from a fairytale on the cover of the book she was holding, The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins, which is currently her favorite book.


little girllittle girl


Robertson gave the toddler a very priceless gift, a flower from her bouquet. The wedding photographer, Stephanie Cristalli, captured the adorable photos that she said: “unfolded very naturally.”




The photos have 596,387 views on Imgur, Scott uploaded them on Wednesday. Edwards is overwhelmed but very amazed by the response the photos of her daughter received.

“It is a sweet moment between strangers that, instead of being full of anger or hate or violence, is full of pure love, awe, and admiration,” Edwards wrote in an email. “We aren’t seeing many of those moments right now.”




These photos are a proof that love is still there in the world! Much more love to come! Like and Share these adorable pictures and spread a message of love:)

Categories: Lifestyle
Shilpi Singh Bisht: English graduate, Delhi University. Shy at first but confident forever. Creative, restless, twisted not perfect, and a little musical on life.