9 Unknown Facts About Harry Potter!

Harry Potter series and movies have been an integral part of our childhood, and even after all those years we won’t mind watching or reading Harry Potter again. But there were few facts attached to Harry Potter which nobody really knew about. So here are some of those facts for you to enjoy and gain some knowledge.

1. Tom Felton never read any of the Harry Potter books before getting auditioned for the movie

tom feltontom felton

2. Michael Jackson wanted to do a Harry Potter Musical, but J.K. Rowling denied the offer

michael jacksonmichael jackson

3. Steven Spielberg was appointed to direct Harry Potter movies initially, but he declined the offer due to lack of challenge.
steven spielbergsteven spielberg

4. Crabbe in Harry Potter was imprisoned for 2 years because of his involvement in the England Riots in 2011

5. Harry Potter is the most banned book of the 21st century so far

6. J.K. Rowling has more money than the Queen of England

7. Warner Bros. wanted to make the Harry Potter films animated over concern that the child actors are growing rapidly

8. The actors in Harry Potter actually used to do their schoolwork during the schools scenes in order to make the setting looking more real

9. David Holmes was the guy who did Daniel Radcliffe’s Harry Potter stunts. During the filming of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows in 2009 he injured his spine due to which he became paralyzed from the neck down.

Categories: Lifestyle
Sukhmani Nayer: A girl who travels on nothing from nowhere to happiness.