6 Kinds of Teachers We All Had in College

1. The Never-on-time one

teacher late for the classteacher late for the class
Not even once in the entire year do you see this teacher on time. But this is precisely the reason why you love him/her so much. For this one teacher’s lecture you just don’t have to worry about reaching late. You can have your samosa in the canteen, have short chit chats with your friends meeting on your way to the class, and still reach well before time.

2. The Always-on-time one

late for the classlate for the class
This one teacher makes you never to forget setting multiple alarms before sleeping, because reaching late for the class is just not an option for you. You know if you ever are even five minutes late for the class, it is better to stay outside and not take the risk of sneaking your way in.

3. The Benevolent one

benevolent oneone
This teacher’s generosity in marking your internals makes you wonder if he/she comes from Mother Teresa’s lineage. Be it attendance or the internal scores, this one teacher is set on his/her Mission Charity.

4. The Not-so-Benevolent one

not so benevolent onenot so benevolent one
No matter how hard you study for this teacher’s test, there is no possible way of scoring more than 50% marks. You wonder if the teacher vents out all his life’s frustration on your paper.

5. The Oh-So-Cool one

cool one
No attendance issues, no deadline- induced panicky assignment completions, no getting-late-for-the-class runs, this teacher has put an end to all your life worries. Your college life is easier because of this one teacher. Not only all this, this teacher also makes attending classes less of a pain for you with his light hearted jokes. He is such a delight!

6. The South-Indian one

The whole class cracking up on this teacher’s weird pronunciation of Hindi words is surely the fondest memory you have from your college life.

Categories: Lifestyle
Ishmeet Kaur: A future economist.