5 Things You Can Totally Relate To If You’re The Only Single One In Your Group!

Ever found yourself looking in the mirror and thinking, “When will I finally meet someone I have waited for so long?”
Are you the only one left to find a partner for yourself in your whole group? You can definitely relate to these points!

1. When your friends have plans for Valentine’s, you are probably ordering some food for yourself

While your friends are asking you what to wear and what gift to buy, you’re downloading movies to watch and ordering food to gobble!

2. When your friends are on phone talking to their partners, you’re sitting there and scrolling newsfeed because you’ve nothing else to do!

Can you stop? I’m sitting here in front of you!

3. Your friends keep trying to set you up with someone

Can you please not? Let me be please!!

4. When the group makes a plan and their partners are invited, you sit there looking at them being all cute to each other and feel miserably lonely!

Why did I come even?

5. When you’re single but all your friends come to you for relationship advice

I’m a legend I know! Keep coming..

Categories: Lifestyle
Avleen Kaur: Giving life obvious chances to take its twists and turns. That's how I believe, I'm living!