20 Cartoons 90’s Kids Have Grown Up Watching

A substantial part of our childhood was spent in watching cartoons, since there was no internet then. But there is no denial to the fact that watching cartoons is one of the best memories we have from our childhood. Fighting with our siblings for the T.V. remote, finishing homework early to watch our favorite cartoon on Disney, not letting your father switch to the news channel- Seriously, 90’s kids had the best childhood!
We present a list of cartoons that were aired on Indian channels in the 90’s to take you down the memory lane. Be ready because this is sure to make you nostalgic.

1.Tom and Jerry

tom and jerrytom and jerry

2. Mickey Mouse


3. Chip ‘n’ Dale

xhip and dalexhip and dale

4. Flintstones


5. Richie Rich

richie richrichie rich

6. Jetsons

7. Dexter’s Laboratory

8. Powerpuff Girls

9. Ed, Edd and Eddy

ed ed and eddy

10. Scooby Doo, Where are you?

11. Talespin

12. Johnny Bravo

13. Spongebob Squarepants

14. Swat Kats

15. Looney Tunes

16. Courage the Cowardly Dog

17. The Addams Family

18. The Mask

19. Captain Planet and the Planeteers

20. Popeye

Categories: Lifestyle
Ankita Rathore: A commerce graduate, who doesn't shy away from speaking her mind.