Read these 17 useful kitchen tips and make working in kitchen wieldy for you.
1. If you over salt your soup or curry by any chance, just drop a peeled potato in it. The potato will absorb the excess salt from your curry.

2. Add a pinch of salt to the water while boiling your eggs. This will keep the shell of the eggs from cracking.

3. If you are making gravy and accidentally burn it, just pour it into a clean pan and continue cooking it. Add sugar a little at a time, tasting as you go to avoid over-sugaring it. The sugar will cancel out the burned taste.

4. Burned a pot of rice? Just place a piece of white bread on top of the rice for 5 to 10 minutes to draw out the burned flavor. Be careful not to scrape the burned pieces off of the bottom of the pan when serving the rice.

5. Rub a little vegetable oil into your hands before chopping chilies . Your skin won’t absorb the spicy chili oil.

6. To check the freshness of your eggs, place them in about four inches of water. Eggs that stay on the bottom are fresh. If only one end tips up, the egg is less fresh and should be used soon. If it floats, it’s past the fresh stage.

7. To banish ants from the kitchen, find out where they are coming from and cover the hole with turmeric powder. If they are coming under a door, draw a line on the floor with chalk. The little bugs also won’t cross a line of chalk.

8. Before making popcorn on the stove or in an air popper, soak the kernels in water for 10 minutes. Drain the water, then pop as normal. The additional moisture helps the popcorn pop up quicker and fluffier.

9. Don’t store your bananas in a bunch or in a fruit bowl with other fruits. Separate your bananas and place each in a different location. Bananas release gases which cause fruits (including other bananas) to ripen quickly. Separating them will keep them fresh for a longer time.

10. After boiling potatoes, cool the water and use it to water your house plants. The water contains nutrients that will help your plants grow better.

11. Baking soda is an extremely effective cleaner. Use it with vinegar to deodorize drains and clean stove tops and sinks.

12. If your salt is forming lumps, put a few grains of rice in with it to absorb excess moisture.

13. To reuse cooking oil without tasting whatever was cooked in the oil previously, cook a 1/4 piece of ginger in the oil. It will remove any remaining flavors and odors.

14. Water that has been boiled and allowed to cool will freeze faster than water from the tap.

15. If two drinking glasses become stuck together after stacking, it’s not impossible to unstick them. Just put ice in the inner glass and dunk the outer glass in warm water. The warm glass will expand and the cold glass will contract, making the glasses separate easily.

16. Store spices in a cool, dark place and not above your stove. Humidity, light and heat will cause herbs and spices to lose their flavor.

17. After working with garlic, rub your hands vigorously on your stainless steel sink for 30 seconds before washing them. It will remove the odor.

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