16 Signs That Tell You Are Addicted To Instagram

Instagram is not just another app for you. You can spend your days and nights scrolling your Instagram feed. But people around you never understand your love towards this app. For them this is just an app to add a few effects and share your pictures.

You are a true Instagram addict if you can relate to the following.

1. Your morning starts with checking Insta notifications.

2. Little orange boxes give you the adrenaline rush.

3. You feel like a celebrity when you get over 50 likes on your picture.

4. You are not satisfied with a picture until you find the perfect filter for it.

5. #Hashtags #on #every #word #of #your #description #is #what #you #do.

6. You order food not by how tasteful it will be but how beautiful it will look in your Instagram feed.

7. You have kept others waiting for the food until you get the perfect food pic.

8. For you every other social network app is just inferior to Instagram.

9. Scrolling Instagram feed is the only hobby you have, except for clicking photos to post on it.

10. Before taking any photo you keep the square crop in mind.

11. For you a location is good only if it qualifies for an Instagram worthy click.

12. People think you Instagram too much, but who cares.

13. You are jealous of your 13 year old cousin just because she has more followers.

14. You know everything about people you have not met personally just by their Instagram.

15. You have missed calls because you were scrolling through your phone and didn’t want to lose your place.

16. If you are such an Instagram addict why haven’t you followed us on Instagram.

Categories: Lifestyle
Srishti Gosain: It all starts with a Smile.