Teenage years are the most memorable part of your time spent with your friends, no matter how goody-two-shoes you were there are at least one of these lame things you did as a teenager-
1. When you stalked your crush on every social media account
2. When you talked to your crush with your BFF on other line
3. When you had hour long conversation with your friend on nonsensical topics
4. When you played that stupid game of FLAMES
5. And would get that pinch of smile when the letter “L” came out
6. When you discussed about your first period with your friends
7. When you got your first bra only after checking if your friend wears it too
8. When you had those fights with your parents over sleeping at your friends house
9. When you talked to your friends parents to seek permission because they were too scared to ask
10. When you were too scared to walk to the kitchen cuz guests were in the living room
11. When you were lame enough to have nicknames like Bubbles,Buttercup or noddy
12. When you and your friends wore the same shirts like you were in a gang or something
13. When you pasted your favourite stars photo all over the bedroom wall
14. When you had arguments with your mother for getting those trendy fringes!