Being tall means having those long legs, which is sexy. But there are some issues that all tall girls face. Let me tell you why is it not that easy to be a tall girl.
1. You’ve been taller than a guy you really liked at least once in your life.

2. Relaxing in a bath tub becomes difficult for you.

3. You get judged for wearing high heels; and finding a cute, low heel is nearly impossible.

4. You need to bend down while getting a picture clicked with your friends, or the Instagram frame would cut off the top of your head.

5. Trying to find jeans that does not end 3 inches above your ankle is very difficult. Plus, regular dresses often become shirts, and regular shirts often become crop tops.

6. There’s never enough leg room for you in an airplane or a car.

7. You just cannot cross your legs under the desk, in the class or at office.

8. Being tall means you always take the group selfie, or else you are pushed to stand in the back of group pictures.

9.That cute stand-on-your-tiptoes-as-you-kiss-him thing that’s all over social networking sites is a fantasy for you.

10. At least once in your life, you’ve stood up from your seat, only to realize that the guy you were getting to know is shorter than you. The pain of losing a potential date. *Sobs*

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