You always get that little lump in throat and a tinge of smile in your lips whenever you think of those precious school memories. Here are some that we all as school students have done it once and will cherish it forever!
1. Reaching school early and Copying homework from a friend

2. Always saving a seat for your friend in bus or labs or classrooms

3. Counting the no. of students before you to see if your turn for reading comes up before the bell rings

4. Sharing a book together and hiding it from the eyes of teacher

5. Getting upset ‘cuz your partner is a boy

6. Going to the Dustbin as an excuse to talk to your friend

7. Standing outside the staffroom and pushing your friend to go in first

8. All your friends turning towards you when your crush gets scolded

9. stretching your arm to ask “May I come in Ma’am”

10. Making weird faces during assembly when your friend is up on the stage.

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