10 Arguments That Haters Of Maths Will Agree With! Die Laughing!

1) Whoever made maths was clearly frustrated with life. He just made Maths for his own sadistic pleasure!

2) Maths is a hypocrite. The formula changes with every question.

3) Maths is illogical. It doesn’t even stick to it’s origin! Like we once started with numbers, and then mid way, they were all gone.. Without any prior warning!

4) You calling it maths? Huh. It’s all about stealing pretty English alphabets and making filthy equations around them!

5) They say you can get a 100 in maths. 100. In Maths. That’s what they say!

6) There’s so much happening in the world… You really think I should focus on proving LHS = RHS when I could be doing a lot more important things?!!

7) As for trigonometry, I seriously don’t see any reason for it to exist!

8) Formulas will only take you to the solution, imagination will take you places!

9) They say practice will make you perfect!

10) It’s not like I cant do maths, it’s just that I’m too hot for it! I mean just look at me!

Dear God, please gift us Maths Haters an aloof planet where we could be all by ourselves, away from this biggest complexity of our life.

Categories: Lifestyle
Mani Sood: An irregular girl who questions everything that's served in her plate. More Human, Less Being.