This Office Decides to Start Working- ALL NUDE!

This Office Decides to Start Working- ALL NUDE!

“The Bold Italic’s headquarters utilizes an open-office floor plan, and I think my coworkers would agree that there are pros and cons. Throwing ideas around is as easy as swiveling your desk chair, yet people started to work from home more and more frequently, somehow getting multiple days’ worth of work done in a single day, and returning to the office feeling refreshed. We took a moment at the beginning of this year to reflect on the situation: what was it about working from home that made everyone so productive and happy? Most people cited a lack of interruptions, which allowed them to deeply focus on certain tasks — an argument that was, of course, immediately ignored, since “disruption” has been hailed time and time again as the be-all-and-end-all element of modern success.”

What they feel-> Clothes: the last obstruction to the truly perfected working environment

So, they decided to throw off their last shed of distraction.

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“Looking back, I can honestly estimate that it took under an hour for things to stop being weird and start being awesome. By day three, it all seemed so incredibly normal, and the benefits were astounding — everything the open-office trend promised and more. We instantly shared a gleeful camaraderie; a deep and trusting bond permeated every meeting. Productivity skyrocketed once we implemented a “nipples hard = need to focus, nipples soft = have time to talk” system, and it turns out that creativity is at its peak when your genitals are unbound. (“Free your genitals, free your mind,” I always say.)”

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“There were tons of less-obvious benefits as well: we all started packing our own lunches or ordering pizzas together, as the act of redressing to run out (thanks, Scott Weiner) became more and more unappealing, and who needs to go to the dermatologist when you’ve got a team of people monitoring your every mole? Sure, our heating bills went up a bit, and we could collect enough rogue pubes to furnish the scalp of a small doll, but it’s a very small price to pay for this level of workplace satisfaction. Our events director was laughing the other day about having a legitimate nightmare that she was giving a presentation at the office and looked down to find she was completely clothed.”


More pictures from their first day of working naked. This is revolutionary!


Later on , they quoted- Sure, our heating bills went up a bit, and we could collect enough rogue pubes to furnish the scalp of a small doll, but it’s a very small price to pay for this level of workplace satisfaction.

*Later they confirmed it to be an APRIL FOOL’S PRANK!


We found this on their website–>The Bold Italic


Categories: Inspirations
Sagarika Ghosh: An Engineer, who fell in love with Digital- Media at first sight!