Sex Ratio Is Improving And It’s Worth Celebrating

The sex ratio of our country is not something we are proud of. The number of females are really less as compared to men. Talking about statistics according to census there are 940 females per 1000 males. If we talk about states, Haryana has the lowest sex ratio of 877 of females to that of 1000 of males.

But things are improving. In the year 2016, it was for the first time in 10 years that the mark crossed 900 females per 1000 males. To celebrate this small step towards a bigger change in the society Breakthrough India released a video.

Breakthrough India has a campaign named #MissionHazaar to gender-biased sex selection. One of the main reasons for low child sex ratio is because girls are highly undervalued. Sanjay Ki Story is based on a true incident. Sanjay, a Breakthrough staff member, led the change in his village that helped break an age old gender biased tradition.

It was their effort. Put in your efforts in making the women around you – in your homes, schools, colleges, market places, streets, and public places – visible. Celebrate the birth of every daughter of the nation.

Categories: Inspirations
Srishti Gosain: It all starts with a Smile.