Plus-sized Fashion Blogger’s Photo was Removed from Instagram- She Struck Back!

An outraged plus-size blogger has gone on a social media tirade after a picture of her posing in a bikini was removed by Instagram after complaints from trolls.


Aarti Olivia Dubey, an Indian-Singaporean model and blogger, was posing for a photo shoot with a Singaporean magazine when she took a behind the scenes shot and posted it to her social media.
The photo of Ms Dubey and two other plus-size models from May 21 was reported by other users and then ‘accidentally’ taken down by Instagram moderators.


However Ms Dubey was clearly not impressed by the social media giant’s mistake, going on a massive rant at Instagram and complaints made by other users. ‘Do 3 fat girls in swimsuits equate to gore, porn, racism, sexism? Or is it that people only want to see slim girls in swimsuits?,’ Ms Dubey wrote in an Instagram post. ‘I am so disappointed and beyond livid right now’. ‘No thanks to you (Instagram) and the people who had the gall to report this image, for making me feel so badly this Monday morning about my existence as a brown fat woman.’

Ms Dubey, who has almost 17,000 Instagram followers and runs the popular blog Curves Become Her, said the removal of the picture was a breach of her right to free speech.
She accused the photo sharing site of double standards, saying they freely allowed ‘muck and scum’ in the form of trolls to pollute their pages but wouldn’t allow three women to raise awareness for a cause. Instagram eventually replied to Ms Dubey’s numerous rants, apologising via email for deleting the photo. The photo of Ms Dubey, Ratna Devi Manokaran and Rani Dhaschainey was automatically restored to her page.

In addition to her Instagram rants, Ms Dubey also wrote a detailed response to the issue on her blog.

Categories: Inspirations
Garima Tyagi: Day Dreamer. Foodie. Explorer. Dog Lover