“Moving On Is The Need Of The Hour” – Meiyang Chang

Singer and Actor Meiyang Chang, in his first English single Poetronica, sends out loud the message to “Move On”. Poetronica is a new age genre of music that has not been tried by any other celebrity singer in India.
Move On is the first among many such video poetries which speaks about the need of the hour, to move on from whatever that’s holding us back. It tells us to stop repenting and regretting over our past, to embrace the present and look forward.


Speaking about Move On, Meiyang says, “Poetronica is a new concept for me; a poetry recitation set to music. So far, I’ve used my voice as a singer or as an actor and TV host. Now, I’ll be lending it to English poetry and I’m excited about it. Victor’s trippy AND philosophical project Move On is not just a catch phrase, but the need of the hour. It is great to learn from the past – good and bad – but important to go beyond failure & success. One needs to look ahead and think about the future. Move On – from all that’s holding you back.


Move on is not just a song, its a way of life. Watch it here:

Categories: Inspirations
Vertika Khullar: Social Media Enthusiast. Free Spirit. Chicken Junkie. True Sagittarius.