People have become so social networking addicts that they want to tell and know everything sitting online for hours. The real world doesn’t matter to them, all that matters is the freedom and independence they get to like, comment, share and view stuff. For them, the meaning of country’s independence has changed. It all comes in pictures, statuses, Whatsapp messages, likes or shares! People harass others online, misuse photos, stalk people, tag them for wrong reasons, blackmail people. This was never meant to be the use of these sites, I suppose. These sites are made to interact with new people, to bring some excitement but some people take the advantage of cyber independence and do some really terrible things. A lot of cases have been seen lately. Is this your Happy Independence?
Independence doesn’t mean do whatever you feel like even when it’s wrong. Do things that are sensible and whose consequences are positive! Independence means helping out someone for no selfish reasons. Independence means respecting people who are underprivileged or poor. Independence means treating your old parents well. Independence means justice, dignity, and equality towards all. Because whatever you do will come back to you someday!
Cases were reported this year on 15th August like how a boy died due to the threads used while flying kites. How irresponsible is that, misuse of independence. You had your fun, you’re over with it so you have the right to kill someone unknowingly? I don’t think so, this was the saddest thing I heard on Independence day! Why should people die when you’re the one who’s the culprit and should be shot. This brings anger in my veins. What are people up to these days? They don’t care when it’s a stranger but when that stranger is replaced by their brother or sister or mother or father, their blood starts to boil and they take every legal action possible against that person. Is this Happy Independence to you? For me, it’s not!
Always try and be a responsible citizen. Observe your surroundings and try and bring positive energy everywhere. Help out others.
Until next time 🙂