Acid Survivor Laxmi Becomes Face Of A Fashion Brand

What qualities should one have to be the face of a fashion model according to you? Flawless skin, great features and a perfect body. But what if a brand breaks all the stereotypes and challenges the present norms.

Viva N Diva, a clothing brand, has done something unexpected my making acid survivor Laxmi as their brand ambassador. This is an initiative to make acid attack survivors the faces of brands and help them get rid of the victim tag that has been associated with them.

Ayushi Rastogi of Viva N Diva said it is an effort to motivate the acid attack survivors. Giving details she also said “To the eyes that are used to seeing fashion models dolled up in front of cameras, this view was both disturbing and inspiring. For a moment, we saw beauty in a very different way and all that we could think of was to capture it in a way that gave it meaning.” Ayushi also added that they had treated Laxmi in the same way as any other model be it in terms of payment or shoot.

“Such initiatives change mindset. I have personally experienced it when I got my first anchoring assignment. When we walked the ramp during a programme organised by Hindustan Times in Lucknow, people supported us. I am sure this initiative will also bring about a positive change,”Laxmi said. She also praised the initiative by saying that these things help in making people realise that they are like normal people. Their faces have been ruined, but beauty still lies within them.

The original article appeared here.

Categories: Inspirations
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