5 Habits Every Woman Should Build For a Successful Life!

Habits can make or break you and it’s a fact! Habits take years to form and take another few years to undo them! That means there is no way out. Your habits comprise of 90 percent of your routine. What you do throughout the day is mostly the result of your habits. Successful people in this world have few great habits in common which everyone should look up to. Here are the list of 5 super simple yet effective everyday habits to give you that much-needed push.


1. A little Morning Routine


So first things first. Try to wake up as early as possible so that you can start your day with that much needed “me-time.” Morning routines can be as simple as reading a book with your favorite cuppa coffee or it can be just a simple go to skin care routine. The idea is to start your day early and prepare yourself for the rest of the day. This is proven formula which will take you a long way on the journey to becoming productive and successful.


2. Journal about your dreams


Okay, so a research shows that people who have their dreams written are more likely to come true. So the idea is to keep a track of your thoughts. Maintain a journal and try to spend few minutes every day to write down your thoughts, random encounters or anything that catches your mind. This will bring more clarity in your life.


3. Read more


No matter how successful people are, they are still a voracious reader even when they are earning millions of dollars! Reading is a habit which can keep you aware and open minded. Reading is just like a good company of friends which can form your personality, for better. You can develop a reading habit by simply reading a single page of the newspaper every day, at the same time. Remember, a well-read woman is the most dangerous creature on this planet!


4. Say yes to opportunities!

If something comes up out of the blue just do some research and take up the opportunity. Learn to work even when you are getting paid much because with time things are changing and its all about the right skills these days. Saying yes to an opportunity means a way to acquire new skills.


5. Exercise

Health is wealth as they say and say it all right! If you are not healthy no matter how much wealth you make or how big your dreams are or even how talented you are, nothing is going to work! Take our few minutes to exercise every day. Just replace a bad habit with a healthy habit and be consistent with it!


Girls, remember. If you will pick up the right habits, today and keep doing it consistently, your life will improve in no time.

Categories: Inspirations
Shilpi Singh Bisht: English graduate, Delhi University. Shy at first but confident forever. Creative, restless, twisted not perfect, and a little musical on life.