It’s that time of year again when terrified of the sheer image of you in a bathing suit appalls you. You regret your failure in sticking with your new year’s resolution of being more active in 2012. And now, that summer’s at your doorstep, what are you going to do?
Doctors argue that being active in this digitalized day and age, where we restrict ourselves in poorly lit office spaces, is a must. It doesn’t really matter if you can’t afford (time or money wise) going to the gym. Tune your mind to the “active channel” and you will immediately come up with numerous ways in which you can integrate mild exercising in the form of ‘being more active than usual’.
Use your feet
Remember when you had to walk to school? Just because you have 15 more years on yourback and a college degree, doesn’t mean walking is prohibited.
Ditch your car and use your dusty old feet instead; walk to work (if distance is reasonable).
Walk to your grocery store or local market, in a word, take advantage of every single opportunity that involves walking. It’s the most discreet and effective exercising you can have, and it’s free and fun!
Go outside
Limiting oneself, or worse your whole family indoors, is exceptionally bad. The simple gesture of transferring outside family activities traditionally held inside your house, instantly increases in terms of fun and potential .

And suddenly, windsurfing doesn't seem such a bad idea!
A boring learning activity for your kids can turn into an incredibly fun game. Plus, the sun will boost your energy levels making you actually want to move around more.
Next thing you know, you will be asking for walks by the lake, making up (lame) excuses just to be outside!
Of course, taking up a new sport is always a good idea. Have fun with your and your friends awkwardness and lack of expertise. After all, it’s all about having fun, rather than becoming pro soccer players.
Socializing made physical
You’ve just hang up, you’re meeting with a friend. For coffee. At your usual place. That must be a hell of a fun, right?
Why go through the exact same ritual of socializing, when you can utilize those two hours in actually bonding with your friend?
Instead of going to a café, challenge them to a ball game in the park, or why not join that outdoors pilates class you’ve been seeing advertised all over the place? The opportunities for being active whilst simultaneously carrying out other menial tasks abound. Pick yours now and become that energetic person you admire so badly in others.
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