Why is that even after 24 hours of the day we fail to be productive, yet are always fatigued and tired? Technology might be a boon and made life easier; on the other hand it is a big bane making is lazy, distracted and tirey always. Here are some tips to follow for a productive day.
1. Research shows 7-8 hours of sleep is optimal for increasing concentration, reaction time and makes employees more attentive.

2. 1 hour of planning will save 10 hours of doing.

3. Plants makes you 12% more productive

4. A ‘To-Do’ list is definitely a good idea

5. Adequate nourishment increases national productivity by 20%

6. Multi-tasking decreases your productivity by 20-30%. Focus on one thing at a time

7. A 20 minute walk can increase blood flow to the brain which can boost creative thought process

8. Focusing on music can increase our motor and reasoning skills

9. Follow the 20-20-20 rule, and after every 20 minutes rest your eyes for 20 seconds looking at something 20 feet away from you

10. Take 10 minutes and review your schedule for tomorrow

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