Things To Avoid When On Your Period

Well we just cannot deny our monthly visits, that give us pain, bloating, mood swings, cramps and what not. We might not be able to escape them but can surely avoid certain things, that will simply help us have a happier, healthier and even a less painful period.

1. Exercise

During the first 3 days of your cycle, your body is very weak and exercising will make your cramps even worse. Instead of heavy excercises try yoga, or light stretching.

2. Saturated Fats

Eating too much of ghee or red meat during this 1 week ain’t a good idea. Dairy products also tend to contain higher levels of saturated fat and arachidonic acids, which will make you more prone to painful cramps.So stay away from high fat foods.

3. Denying The Chocolate Cravings

craving chocolatecraving chocolate
Eating some chocolate will actually help your PMS mood swings be cornered. If it’s a chocolate bar with a minimum cocoa content of 60 percent, your serotonin levels will receive a pleasant boost and that will uplift your mood

4. Dehaydration

Yes that;s right drinking less water results in cramps in the body. Stay hydrated if you just don’t want to experience yet another pain.

5. Too Much Of Salt Intake

You don’t want to add on to more bloating during your PMS. Therefore, try and not indulge in too much of lays or any processed foods. Eat snacks like fruits, salads, etc.

6. Ignoring Vegetables

Veggies are your friend, not things to avoid during your period! Many vegetables are a great source of calcium, making them the perfect alternative to dairy produce. And dark vegetables like spinach are even greater friends to girls suffering from the monthly visit.

Categories: Health & Beauty
Sukhmani Nayer: A girl who travels on nothing from nowhere to happiness.