Skincare Mistakes That Are Damaging Your Face

It is good to take care of your skin regularly. But what if you’re doing it wrong? Read the steps to understand your skin and routing better.

1. Over Exfoliating

It’s tempting but highly damaging in the long term to buff away too much of your top skin layer. You’re actually removing the protective barrier that your skin has. Once removed, your skin is exposed to environmental toxins and sun damage, causing aging. Exfoliate two to three times a week, max.

2. Falling Into Bed With Your Makeup On

Not removing your makeup for the night clogs your pore and oil glands. When makeup becomes impacted in pores, it makes them appear larger. Once your collagen levels decline, the pore won’t snap back as easily once it has been enlarged.

3. Not Cleansing Properly

You may be keeping up with your makeup removal routine, but are you using the right cleanser for your skin type? Look for a cleanser that contains the right ingredients. Things like antioxidants for protection, salicylic acid to help clear your pores, and witch hazel, which acts as a natural astringent.

4. Using Dirty Makeup Brushes

It’s doing more damage to your skin than you think. Make it a habbit to clean your brushes, especially for your foundation brush. Keeping your brushes clean every day will ensure no dirt and old makeup buildup is going to effect your skin.

5. Popping Pimples

We know you’ll do it sometimes, but it’s still a bad idea for your skin overall. When people squeeze their pimples from the side, it ends up backfiring because it causes infection to go down deeper into the pore. Wash your face with a clean washcloth. If the pimple is ready to pop, this is all the pressure needed to drain it.

6. Not Washing Your Sheets & Pillowcases Frequently Enough

Pillowcases accumulate a the residue from things like conditioner and scalp oil that can clog your pores on your face over time. You should change your pillow case at least once a week or more if you are more acne-prone. Wash in hot water to kill off dust mites that can cause allergies.

7. Not Wearing Sunscreen Every Day

The best protection against skin aging is a good sunscreen defense. Wear it everyday, and look for one that has an SPF of 30 or higher. It should also be broad spectrum, which means it helps to shield you from UVA rays (as well as UVB) which are known to cause photoaging of the skin.You should also apply sunblock to your chest and the top of your hands daily as well.

8. Not Getting Enough Sleep

Getting a good night’s sleep helps your skin to look its best. When the skin is getting less than optimum rest, it becomes dull and pale with under-eye circles.

9. Eating a Bad Diet

What is good for the heart is good for the skin. Make sure to eat a bunch of colors — red, green, yellow, white, orange, etc. Eat veggies that have a lot of color. Nature color codes them for us. The more colors you eat, the better.

10. Not Moisturizing Oily Skin

Regardless of your skin type, it’s important that you moisturize daily and apply a heavier cream at night. It’s a common misconception that those with an oily skin should avoid moisturizers. In fact, it’s vital that even oily skin gets moisture because without it, skin will overcompensate for the loss of hydration [with more oil], leading to breakouts and an uneven skin texture. Take note: Moisturizing adds water to the skin, not oil.

Categories: Health & Beauty
Sukhmani Nayer: A girl who travels on nothing from nowhere to happiness.