Have you always wondered what is the easiest way to lose weight? If you still don’t know the answer, it’s Meditation. There are countless benefits to meditating—more focus, less stress, and a clear mind. But, moreover, it helps you take control of your weight.

Here’s how:
1. Meditation can help you recognize your cravings.
By meditating, you can be aware of your motivation to eat. You will start to notice that maybe you’re craving sugar because you’re missing some sweetness in your life or you’re eating too much just because you’re upset with something. Being aware of these emotional triggers helps you pause long enough to notice where the desire to eat comes from. By meditating, you can recognize your cravings.
2. Meditation can help with binge eating.
People tend to be disconnected from their own internal cues and they feel satisfied after eating. Researchers believe more likely it is the disconnection from our own internal experience that creates these patterns of mindless eating. Yet by helping us reconnect to those hunger and satisfaction signals, meditation can make all the difference in regulating eating habits as well as reducing depression and anxiety, which all can lead to healthy weight loss.
3. Meditation helps you change beliefs about yourself.
If you’ve been clinging to a poor self-concept for a while, you may be frustrated and might indulge in bad habits. Not loving yourself is also one of the reasons why you’re unhealthy. If you start to loosen the vise grip of your negative self-concept and open yourself to the idea that you are a worthy person who deserves vibrant health and happiness, you can lead a better life.