Makeup Routines That Are Bad For Your Skin!

We all have some routines and habits that we follow. Some might be good, and some might really harm our skin, without us even realizing it. Here are some of those habits that we tend to have and which are really spoiling our skin slowly. Read it and make it a point change these habits.

1. Not Cleaning Your Brush

makeup brushesmakeup brushes
Make-up brushes breed unlimited bacteria in them as they touch acne, sweat and other bacteria on your face. And using your brushes again without cleaning them will only make it worse.

2. Sharing Your Makeup

sharing makeupsharing makeup
Your share a lot of infections if you use someone else’s makeup, especially lipsticks and eye make-up. It is better to stick with your own makeup.

3. Sleeping With Your Makeup On

sleeping with makeupsleeping with makeup
You collect all the sweat, dirt and other stuff on your face; and not to forget the chemicals that our makeup consists of. Leaving all that on your face overnight? It’s a complete no no!

4. Too Many Face Packs

Taking care of your face is good, when it is done one or twice in a week. But if you are trying all types of face packs almost everyday; you’re damaging your skin!

5. Putting Too Much Of Make-up Everyday!

Are you one of those who puts too much of makeup everyday? It might have negative effects on your skin; your skin constantly being covered with layers of makeup doesn’t get a chance to breathe. If you want your skin to rejuvenate and glow, let it breathe.

6. Popping Your Pimples

Popping pimples is the worse that you can do to your skin. It will leave the marks on your face, and that area will be prone to more acne!

Categories: Health & Beauty
Sukhmani Nayer: A girl who travels on nothing from nowhere to happiness.