How to Keep Vaginal Infections at Bay During Monsoon!

Everyone is looking up at the sky for some sizzle to shower them with relief from this scorching heat! While rain is to enjoy but women should take extra care of themselves during this season of the year! Yeast is already present in the vagina but in small numbers and you should take care of your health down there to keep the yeast formation and fungal infections at bay!


1. Twice a day formula


You should take bath every day in the morning and in the evening, after work or travel! Make sure to use a good quality towel which will help you to soak all the water quickly from your body. Keep it dry and fresh because when water is not wiped out it attracts dirt and in turn fungus. You should invest into a good quality bath robe.


2. Rinse new clothes before wearing

new clothesnew clothes

No doubt, a shopping spree is much loved by every girl but always remember to wash your new outfits before wearing them on regular basis. Fungal infection is contagious which can make you vulnerable and can spoil all the fun that monsoon comes with.


3. Sugar is a BIG-FAT NO!

Avoid sugar-rich food and drinks, artificial sweets, etc. Fungus/Yeast thrives on sugar. The formula is very simple- whenever you eat sweet and go out, you become a magnet for bacteria. So next time you try to dig in that sweet donut remind yourself this point!


4. Water

Yeah, no health tip can be without advising on the water. Keep yourself hydrated. Drink 10-12 glasses of water a day. Avoid excess of fried food, oily, and junk food, as it increases oil secretion making your skin more prone to infections and bacterial growth.


5. Cotton Clothes

Yes, say hello to skin friendly fabrics this monsoon. Use pure cotton clothes as cotton tends to absorb moisture, keeping your body dry. Synthetic fibers tend to cause fungal infection.

Categories: Health & Beauty
Shilpi Singh Bisht: English graduate, Delhi University. Shy at first but confident forever. Creative, restless, twisted not perfect, and a little musical on life.