Foods For That Lovely Glow On Your Face!

Famous saying, ‘Your are what you eat” is damn true, even when it comes to your face. Good foods helps radiate your skin, making your face look fresh and glowy, whereas, bad foods results in breakouts, pimples, acne and uneven skin. So here are some foods sorted for you for that lovely glow.

1. Carrots

Carrots are rich in beta-carotene (a protein that naturally warms up the color of your skin).

2. Cantaloupe

This one too has beta-carotene in it, which means it will richen your skin color naturally.

3. Kale

Kale is rich in Vitamin A, which prevents skin diseases and helps repair dry and damaged skin. It also contains Vitamin K, which can relieve discoloration, especially underneath your eyes.

4. Olive oil

It contains a healthy dose of antioxidants that cleanse and exfoliates your skin, leaving your pores unclogged and face moisturized.

5. Bell peppers

These too contain beta-carotene

6. Tomatoes

Eating tomatoes gives your lots of glow to your face, because of lots of carotenoid that they have in them.

7. Berries

They contain anthocyanins, which helps fight the signs of aging.

8. Pineapple

They contain high levels of Vitamin A and C, which are an important part of the collagen formation process and make skin look radiant and youthful.

9. Dark chocolate

Apart from all the antioxidants, chocolate also contains cocoa flavonoids in the chocolate are associated with more hydrated and softer skin.

10. Lemons

Lemons contain high levels of Vitamin A, which aids in melanin production. Hence, that beautiful glow on face.

Categories: Health & Beauty
Sukhmani Nayer: A girl who travels on nothing from nowhere to happiness.