Cracked Heels? Get Rid of Them With These Easy DIYs!

You have cracked heels? This is because you give all the attention to your face, and ignore your feet. Do you know that cracked heels, if not treated, can cause pain or may even bleed? Don’t ignore your feet girls; They need your attention and care too.
Take some time out to pamper your feet using these home remedies, and get rid of those cracked heels.

Remedy 1

Put handful of rice flour in a bowl. Add 2-3 tea spoons of apple cider vinegar and honey to it. Mix these ingredients to get a thick paste. Now add 1 tablespoon olive oil to the mixture. With this paste, gently scrub and massage your feet for 5 minutes. Rinse and apply moisturizer. Try doing this every alternate day.

Remedy 2

Take warm water, add salt to it, mix and soak your feet in it for about 15 minutes. Scrub your feet with pumice stone to drop off dead skin cells. Pat dry. Apply the mixture of 1 tsp glycerin, 3 tsp rosewater, and 2 tsp fresh lemon juice on your feet. Do this preferably at night before going to bed. Repeat this at least 2 times a week until you get the desired result.

Remedy 3

Soak your feet in soapy water, and scrub it with a pumice stone for about 15 minutes. Once they dry, apply olive oil or coconut oil. Wear socks and leave them on overnight. Do this daily until your feet get soft and smooth.

Remedy 4

If your cracked heels become itchy, they might be infected. Before seeing a dermatologist, try this home remedy.
Take a handful of neem leaves and grind them (you can add a little water to make a paste). Mix 3 teaspoons of turmeric in the neem paste. Apply the mixture to the affected areas and leave it for about 30 minutes. Wash off and pat dry. Use this remedy once daily.

Categories: Health & Beauty
Vertika Khullar: Social Media Enthusiast. Free Spirit. Chicken Junkie. True Sagittarius.