All You Need To Know About Chia Seeds

Chia seeds have recently gained more name in the health industry. It is not only multi functional but is also packed full of nutrients. However, the seed is quite ancient, dating back to 16th century. They are harvested from flowers and have numerous benefits attached to them.

Let us discuss their benefits one by one.

1. Nutrition power house

They are full of fibre and healthy fats like omega 3, protein, vitamins and minerals. It improves glucose and insulin tolerance, reduces inflammation, provides a high level of antioxidants. It also helps to prevent cancer and many cardiovascular problems. So, in short, it is a total must have food item as it provides our body with most of the minerals and nutrients it needs.

2. Healthy fat

Chia seeds are full of fat but all are the healthy fats, so you need not worry. It contains a good amount of omega 3 fatty acid which we just can’t get enough of. It contains linoleic acid and oleic acid which again are the healthy fats. It contains a very healthy amount of fat soluble Vitamin E. So you can see that it is full of healthy fat.

3. For constipation

People who took the supplements of chia seeds definitely saw a better change in their bowel movements. Their gel like consistency is what helps in optimum stool formation. You just need to make sure that whenever you are consuming more fibre, you need to start having more water too. Adding more fibre is good but without the help of water to flush things out, it will be of no help.

4. Diabetes

Chia seeds help in restoring the antioxidant system and also improve the glucose and insulin tolerance in the body. It is also seen that people who consume chia seeds have a reduction in high blood pressure. Much of the heart diseases and the type 2 diabetes is treated by chia seeds.

5. Weight loss

The studies have no evidence that chia seeds help with weight loss but with regular consumption, I believe that they would help because they have high protein content so they can keep you full for longer period of time and all the other nutrients provided by it only aid in weight loss.

6. Hypertension

It is proven that the chia seeds help with the regulation of peptides and hormones which regulate blood pressure, in other words, it helps to reduce hypertension. So basically it helps with all the problems like diabetes, blood pressure, etc.


You can have chia seeds by adding them to your smoothies or puddings. You can substitute, one egg with a tablespoon of chia seeds in baked products. Use them in soups, gravies, etc or you can simply soak them in water in the ratio of 1:5 and have them just like that. Soaking them in coconut or almond milk might give additional benefit and taste too.

So in short, it can be said that chia seeds are one of the richest sources of vitamins and minerals and antioxidants which if consumed regularly can help to fight many of the health issues, even cancer.

Categories: Health & Beauty
Shreya Agarwal: A reader, a dreamer and a believer...