A Little Honey can Do a lot of Wonders to Your Skin and Hair

We all have one favourite ingredient from our kitchen which comes to our rescue at the time of need. Be it hair or skin or any other beauty problem, a few things work wonders for everything. Honey is one of that kind, and you though it is just a healthier sweetener.

Here a few of honey benefits which you cannot ignore be it some beauty emergency or doing these regularly.

1. Honey works as a great moisturiser.

If you are dealing with dry skin, just apply one teaspoon raw honey on clean, dry skin for 15-20 minutes and wash with water. Honey draws moisture from the air into the skin and keeps the skin hydrated for long.

2. Use honey to cleanse pores

Honey helps in clarifying the skin keeping pores clean. You can apply the mix of one tablespoon raw honey with two tablespoons coconut oil to clean dry skin. Massage it in circular motion and wash off. You will enjoy the end results.

3. Exfoliate with honey

Honey nourises, cleanses and hydrates skin while baking soda is a natural exfoliator. Mix two tablespoons honey with one tablespoon baking soda, rub gently on wet skin in circular motion and rinse off.

4. Honey will help you say goodbye to acne

With it’s antibacterial and antifungal properties honey can help you in say goodbye to the breakouts. Just apply the honey at the effective area for 10-15 minutes and wash it off.

5. Condition your hair using honey

The enzymes in honey give dull hair shine without weighing them down. Mix one tablespoon honey with two tablespoons coconut oil and apply from ends to mid-lenghts of your damp hair. Let it sit for 15-20 minutes and rinse well.

6. Add benefits to your shampoo using honey

Honey known for its moisturising properties, moisturises dry hair and also strengthens hair follicles making them healthy. Just mix one teaspoon honey with a dime-sized amount shampoo. Shampoo as you normally do and rinse well.

Categories: Health & Beauty
Srishti Gosain: It all starts with a Smile.