6 Myths About Getting Pregnant- Busted!

There are so many stories around sex and getting pregnant, it’s hard to know what to believe and what not to. Therefore we have listed these facts about getting pregnant. Read to find out.

1. YES: You can get pregnant the first time you have sex.

Myth- A girl can’t get pregnant the first time she has sex.

Truth- If a boy and a girl have sex without using contraception, the girl can get pregnant, no matter if it’s her first time or not. A girl can get pregnant as soon as she starts ovulating (releasing eggs), and this happens before you have your first period.


2. YES: You can get pregnant if you have sex only once.

Myth- A girl have to have sex lots of times to get pregnant.

Truth- A girl can get pregnant by having sex just once. All it takes is for one sperm to meet an egg. So she does not necessarily have to have sex a lot of times to get pregnant.

3. YES: You can get pregnant if you have sex standing up, sitting down or in any other position.

Myth- A girl can not get pregnant if she has sex standing up, sitting down, or if she jumps up and down afterward.
Truth- There is no such thing as a ‘safe position’ if you’re having unprotected sex. There are also no ‘safe places’ to have sex, including the bath or shower. Pregnancy can happen whatever position you do it in, and wherever you do it.


4. YES: You can get pregnant if you have sex during your period.

Myth- A girl can’t get pregnant if she has sex during her period.

Truth- She can get pregnant at any time of the month. Sperm can survive inside a woman for several days after having unprotected sex, so even if she does it during her period, sperm can stay in the body long enough to get her pregnant.

5. YES: You can get pregnant if a boy withdraws (pulls out) his penis before he comes.

Myth- A girl can’t get pregnant if a boy withdraws his penis before he ejaculates.

Truth- Pulling out the penis can not stop a girl from getting pregnant. Before a boy ejaculates, there’s sperm in the pre-ejaculatory fluid (pre-come), which leaks out when he gets excited. That sperm can get a girl pregnant. Not only pre-come can get a girl pregnant, it can also transmit infections (STIs).
So if a boy tells you that he’ll take care to withdraw before he ejaculates, don’t believe him! Nobody can stop themselves from leaking sperm before they come.

6. NO: You can not get pregnant by having oral sex.

Myth- One can get pregnant by having oral sex.

Truth- A girl can’t get pregnant by having oral sex, even if she swallows sperm. But yes, you can catch STIs through oral sex, including gonorrhea, chlamydia, and herpes.

Categories: Health & Beauty
Vertika Khullar: Social Media Enthusiast. Free Spirit. Chicken Junkie. True Sagittarius.