6 Beauty Hacks You Must Know!

Here are a few beauty hacks to make your life and beauty regime easier. Read on!

1. Keep your Lipstick Off Teeth

A simple way to avoid it is to simply wipe your lips from the inside out. After applying your lipstick, stick your finger in your mouth and pull it out. Your finger will wipe away the excess lipstick and leave your teeth shiny white.

2. Make your Lipstick last long

After you have applied your chosen lip color, just hold a tissue over your lips lightly and dust just a bit of translucent powder over the tissue. This helps to set the lipstick so that it lasts longer.

3. Longer, Fuller Lashes with Baby Powder

Dip a cotton swab into baby powder and running it across your lashes after you have applied a coat of mascara. Then just apply a second coat of mascara and it will adhere to the powder, giving your lashes a much longer and fuller look.

4. Make Your Own Dry Shampoo

Make your own dry shampoo using just ¼ cup of cornstarch and a few drops of essential oils. Apply the mixture to the roots of your hair, comb through and it will keep your hair clean and oil-free for the rest of the day.

5. Get Great Nail Art – With a Band-Aid

After you paint your nails the color that you want and ensure that they are dry, just place the sticky part of the Band-Aid over your nails and color in with white or any other color that you want. You will get a great polka-dot look that is easy and takes very little time to create.

6. Get Makeup Off Shirt Collars Easily

Just add a bit of shaving cream and wipe makeup off your shirt with a damp cloth. The shaving cream works perfectly and doesn’t harm your clothing.

Categories: Health & Beauty
Ishmeet Kaur: A future economist.