5 Makeup Tips Every Girl Would Love

Being a girl can be really hard…and expensive! There are so many things we have to do- waxing, makeup, hairdo, and whatnot. And makeup definitely burns a hole in every girl’s pocket. So here are some tips that can help you save some bucks and handle uninvited situations; because the more you know, the more you’ll be able to handle any situation, while looking good. 😉

1. Dry mascara

You might have a bottle of mascara that you’re planning to throw because it’s dry or clumpy. Don’t! Just add a few drops of eye-drops or contact eye lens solution in it and shake the bottle. This would save you from spending money on another bottle of mascara; Go eat a cheesecake instead.

2. Expensive Makeup Remover

Don’t you feel it’s unfair to first spend money on buying makeup, and then on buying lotions to remove that makeup? If yes, then stop buying the expensive make up removing lotions straight away and rather buy a bottle of baby oil. It is very mild and it will moisturize your skin. Just 5-6 drops of baby oil on a cotton pad will remove all the makeup from your skin.

3. Lash Curling Secret

Heat up your lash curler for about 3-5 seconds, with the help of a blow dryer. The heat will work the same way for your lashes as it works for your hair, giving you those frisky lashes that will last whole day.
lash curlerlash curler

4. Matte or Glossy?

Finding the perfect red lipstick that suits your face is so hard. Imagine you see a beautiful bright red lip color at your next visit to the mall and you instantly fall in love with it; however you don’t like the fact that it’s glossy. What would you do in such a situation? Leave that pretty color just because of one flaw? No, don’t do that. Buy the lip color, apply it, and put some clear or flesh-toned face powder on your lips using your fingers. Just keep patting the powder on your lips till it absorbs the oil that makes the lipstick glossy. Once you feel your lips are matte, press them together a couple of times. And you will get the perfect matte look that you wanted.

5. Cleaning Makeup Brushes

As you know that cleaning makeup brushes on a regular basis is very important for the health of your skin, here’s a tip on how to properly clean your makeup brushes at home. You will need some liquid dish-washing soap and olive oil. Put the soap on one side of the plate and olive oil on the other, in equal quantities. Take the brushes and swirl them in the plate one-by-one. Make sure a little bit of both the ingredients are put evenly onto the brush. Now rub the brush on your fingers in a circular motion, this will help in disinfecting and removing makeup from inside the brushes. Rinse your brushes with cold water after you are done cleaning them, and leave them on a clean towel to dry. Doing this on a regular basis will make your brushes last longer.

Categories: Health & Beauty
Vertika Khullar: Social Media Enthusiast. Free Spirit. Chicken Junkie. True Sagittarius.