12 Ways To Lift Your Mood Instantly

Sometimes we have a bad day. But don’t let a bad day make you think you have a bad life. Here are a few suggestions on how to improve/boost your mood when you’re feeling low.

1. Flip through your photo album

Looking at photographs of good times and those closest to us brings about feelings of comfort and happiness, which brightens up our day and makes us feel content.

2. Open the curtains.

If you’re suffering from a low mood, don’t sit in with the curtains closed feeling sorry for yourself. Instead, open them as soon as possible to let the sunlight come flooding in. This will boost your mood instantly.

3. Smile, even if it’s the last thing you feel like.

Our emotions aren’t restricted to our brain, as acting happy will make our brain feel happy too. As well as this, smiling means that people will subsequently want to talk to you more, leading to you making more friends and being a generally happier person.

4. Watch a funny clip.

When you’re feeling stressed and down, taking five minutes out to watch a funny video will help you to relax, take your day less seriously, and release some natural feel-good chemicals at the same time. A good dose of the giggles is infectious and makes you even happier when you’re with others, so get some friends or colleagues together and watch a funny clip.

5. Buy flowers

A study shows people become less ­depressed, agitated and anxious after ­receiving flowers and also have a higher sense of enjoyment and satisfaction in their lives.

6. Do a good deed

Lending a hand, volunteering or doing something nice for free can increase your self-esteem and well being.

7. Sing!

Listening to a choir lifts the spirits, but you’ll be happier still if you’re doing the singing.

8. Find out more about your family tree

Knowing who you are and where you come from plays a part in your ­happiness levels. Those who have strong connections with their ethnic identity have a greater sense of well being.

9. Make time to listen to your favourite tunes

This has a very positive impact on your mood.

10. Count your blessings.

Think about or write down what you’re thankful for. Even if there’s not time to write down everything, expressing gratitude creates an instant mood boost.

11. Sniff certain scents.

Inhaling the scent of orange (or essential orange oil) or lavender can reduce anxiety and improve mood.

12. Expose yourself to green.

Green symbolizes happiness—and can create the feeling of it, too. Throw on a green sweater, pick up a green pen, take a walk in the garden, and it’s possible your mood will be over the rainbow.

Categories: Health & Beauty
Ishmeet Kaur: A future economist.