Are Proteins In Your Diet Enough For You?

The fact that simply eating proteins isn’t enough in today’s world. What you are sourcing them from matters too.
Is the source environment-friendly? Is it cancer free? Food manufacturers are on the lookout for alternative, second generation proteins that are more sustainable, vegetarian, vegan-friendly and non-allergenic.

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The key to ensuring you eat sufficient high-quality protein is to include different types in your diet, rather than relying on just red meat processed meat.

1. Nuts and Seeds

Apart from being rich sources of protein, nuts and seeds are also high in fibre. Almonds, peanuts, walnuts, sesame, sunflower and poppy seeds provide a good source of fatty acids, calcium and iron too.

2. Soy products

Tofu and soy are excellent red meat alternatives-high in protein and low in fat. Also try tempeh, a traditional soy product originating from Indonesia, made from cooked and slightly-fremented soybeans and formed into a patty.
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3. Chickpeas

Low in fat yet high in protein, chick peas are a great addition to the diet. They are inexpensive, too. Make a nutritious low-cost alternative to poultry and meat.
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4. Quinoa

This tiny seed is full of protein, easy to cook and very versatile. A cup of cooked quinoa serves upto 8 gm of protein.
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Categories: Food & Travel
Tiyash Patra: A very fun-loving girl who likes to live life on her own terms, that's who I am.