Generation X is setting a great example on the centrality of education a new Michigan study reveals. According to a new study conducted by the University of Michigan, Gen Xers actively endorse lifelong education.
In fact, 1 in every 10 Gen Xers seek to continue their formal education by enrolling in university courses. Rather impressively, 5 in 10 Generation X members would continue their education through various channels, including e-courses, professional workshops and other learning-promiting activities. Apparently, the need for continuous self-growth is something Generation X takes very seriously.
Learning as a life-long commitment
Another victory for Generation X is that it’s the first generation to accumulatively earn more higher education degrees that any other generation. Of course technology and growth might have a hand in this improvement, but nonetheless, the tendency for lifelong learning is irrefutable.
The obsession and love of information gathering is a wider reflection of our new social model, the study emphasized. With the ever-increasing information-based economy of the 21st century, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that today’s adults are seeking more efficient ways to keep up with all the developments going on.
If there’s one thing we can take from this revealing study is that Millennials and the generations to come have a great example to look up to. Education and lifelong learning is a theoretically inexhaustible skill we can continue developing throughout our lives.
Given of course we find the willpower to resist yet another cat video, or another fail compilation one. The Internet might be an enormous distraction from our goals and aspirations, but it can also be a potent tool for our improvement and learning. It’s up to us to choose wisely. Take it from the Gen Xers, they seem to know how to do it.