Ever wondered even though you were wearing a perfect outfit with most amazing style and fit suited for your body type and still you were asked by people if you were not well or you looked tired, when actually you were feeling great? It has happened with all of us and we kept wondering what was wrong with the outfit. Yes! my stylish readers there was something terribly wrong with the outfit and it was the colour you were wearing, which didn’t enhance your appearance. Surprised? No matter how attractive your outfit is, if the colour is not apt for your skin tone you would look dull, sick, old and patchy. On the other hand right colours can make you look younger, healthier, appealing and happy.
In my outfit I have carefully kept the occasion and my skin tone in mind. It is a light peach colour perfect for a day lunch or a casual day date that I have carefully combined with the complimentary blue denims to make the entire outfit look balanced. Peach collared top with warm undertone compliments my skin and it enhances my features instead of making me look dull and tired. Peach multiple chain neckpiece right next to my face further brightened the look. Just the way one shoe doesn’t fit all, one colour also doesn’t work for all. We all have a different skin type and it is important to know what colours look good on YOU rather than following the trend and buying what your friends are spending money on.
Curious to know what are your colours? Get your colour profiling done, Inbox me your details or write to me at shalinisemail@gmail.com
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