How to Choose the Right Handbag for Your Body Type

We all know our habit of filling our closets with numerous handbags but still don’t shy of buying another. Why do we never get satisfied and spend hundreds of dollars just to flaunt that perfect bag which will not only be class but also complement our personality. Often the trendiest handbags are not roomy enough and also cost a bomb, sometimes they even don’t go with our body type. So ladies, here is a reality check, stop over-spending and over-fantasizing your desired handbag for there are some fashion tips that will decide the style and size of your handbag. Carry a handbag whose shape is exactly opposite to your body type. Also, the size of your handbag should always be in proportion to your figure.


Handbags for an Inverted Triangle Body Type

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Waist and hips are smaller than shoulders
Try handbags that will attract attention towards your waist and hips and away from the problem areas.
The scale also matters. The handbags should not be oversized so as to overpower you. You can go for crossbody handbags, hobo handbags, shoulder handbags.
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Handbags for a Triangle Body Type

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Waist and rear are wider than shoulders
Choose one with a short strap.Handbags that fall between the natural waist and hips will make shoulders
appear broader and will help balance a figure.
A good look for a shoulder handbag, hobo handbag that hangs slightly but ends well above the hips is best and any handbag that falls on the hips will draw attention to this area you may not want!
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Handbags for a Rectangle Body Type

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Waist, shoulders and hips are the same size
Handbags that add slight curves to a long and lean body type will go best with this body type. The handbag should end at your hips so as compensate your rectangular type.
Go for satchel handbags and hobo handbags
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Handbags for an Hourglass Body Type

Hips and shoulders are balanced and waistline is well-defined
This is a dream body type and works well with any handbag. Just take care of sizes.
Try tote handbags, satchel handbags, hobo handbags, crossbody handbags, shoulder handbags. In short, any handbag
will accentuate your curves and flatter your personality.
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Handbags for an Apple Body Type

Shoulders and thighs are narrower than bust and waist
You should keep away from bags that are too small, as they will look lost against your figure. Create balance by wearing wider and structured handbags. Women with large busts must avoid shoulder bags and messenger bags and other short-strapped handbags to draw away attention from their bosom.
Go for tote handbags, slings and crossbody handbags
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Handbags that suit all body types

Match beautiful clutches, evening bags, cigar boxes with your dress and flaunt them with elan for there are no such pre-requisites for them and you can confidently sport them with that exotic cocktail ring!
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Categories: Fashion
Chaineet Kaur: A bookworm with a philosophical bent of mind.