High quality preschool education substantially improves the achievement potential of children, especially at-risk ones.
Craig Ramey the founder of the Abecedarian Project, a research project looking into the advantages of early exposure to knowledge for poor children. The findings of his project spans over whole decades and suggest that early education of economically underprivileged children benefits both themselves and the society more generally, as it improves their potential of life success.
Recent findings of this project revealed that when economically disadvantaged students receive quality, pre-school education their chances of being responsible, employed adults significantly increases. The immediate benefit for society is that these people are less likely to resort to state aid or support during their later years as they will already possess the right skills and education to be self-achievers.
These findings suggest that racial, ethnic and religious background, as well as financial and social status matter far less than previously thought. Rather what seems to overshadow these parameters is the exposure to education. The latter gives a near equal opportunity to all individuals to succeed professionally and personally. Giving access to education, can thus overcome many social and financial issues.

Early exposure to education increases one's success chances.
This research project reveals that the sooner education starts, the earlier one develops achievement goals and starts working towards achieving them. The initial findings are positive and rather welcome as they point out how education seems to be the most valuable weapon a society has in helping at-risk children to succeed.
The benefits of high quality early education
Students get an early exposure to the magic and power that knowledge provides.
Students have ample time to think, define and revise their achievement goals and set even more ambitious later-life goals.
Students are prevented from educational failure often manifested as dropping out, abusive behavior or a criminal tendency.
Life and career opportunities are substantially improved with a head-start in education.
Students with access to quality preschool education have better chances of getting into graduate schools and universities.
They are encouraged to develop learning and creative skills that can later contribute in making their life choices and actions significantly easier.
The Abecedarian Project along with the known and proven benefits of early education all point to how preschool children education has a wide range of benefits for the child, even help at risk-children from going down the wrong road.
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