Advance your Career with Online IT Training

Advance your Career with Online IT Training

Information Techonology, is nowadays an indispensable skill for both, aspiring job-seekers and established career persons upwards. Looking at the younger generation, obsessively absorbed in virtual worlds and social media, it seems almost imperative that one has (at least) some basic IT knowledge.

IT skills and the world is yoursIT skills and the world is yours

IT skills and the world is yours

Admittedly it’s not the best feeling in the world, looking at younger individuals handling computers and tablets with light-speed mastery, you feel kind of left out. That’s why IT literacy is essential for keeping up with the media-savvy, gadget-lusty, youth and the demands of the labor market.

 Where do I start?

There are numerous IT training programs you can enroll in, however, many people feel rather self-conscious for having to attend IT classes. For these and for individuals who learn best on their own, Learn IT! Anytime has came up with a pioneering concept  for teaching IT online.

Learn IT! Anytime, is a hard-to-miss opportunity if you like to have total control of  your learning experience. Respecting the pace with which you learn, Learn IT! Anytime has gone were no one else has gone before, offering learner-customized knowledge.

I want to learn:

With Learn IT! Anytime , you have access to video-based e-learning opportunities, from MS Office to Graphic and Web Design. If you sign up with Learn IT! Anytime, you are granted access to hundreds of instructional videos to guide you through your IT learning.

These videos are learner-sensitive, pausing at pivotal times to ensure that you have ample time to process and apply what has just been said. Being learner-centered, constitutes one of its most applauded features.

Learn IT! Anytime, offers a more comprehensive learning experience than most real-life IT programs. Apart from  having their entire virtual library at your fingertips, you are also given cheat sheets (who doesn’t love those!) and customized handouts for practicing.

Hand-picked instructors

Learn Office Courses with a low $15.99/month price, or Save 38% for 1 year 100% Money Back Guarantee!

With this self-paced IT e-course, you’ll have the privilege to be taught by experienced, knowledgeable and teaching-qualified instructors. In fact, Learn IT! Anytime instructors possess the perfect amount of real-world teaching experience and essential IT knowledge, to offer you the best of both worlds.

Learn IT! Anytime is packed with many other features; from skills testing (for identifying your needs, weaknesses and lacks, to better work on them), to student support (you can send emails to your instructors for questions that bug you!)

For $15.99/month, or  $125 for a year-long membership, you can enjoy too, the advantage of having IT knowledge.  Also, in a highly unlikely situation, when Learn IT! Anytime is not for you, there’s a money back guarantee.

Special Coupon for LifeCrust Readers: 10% Off 1 Year Subscription plus 38% savings on unlimited Online training at LearniTanytime code=10PERCENTOFF Expires April 29

Categories: Careers
Mamta Verma: passionate writer