Why College Doesn’t Have to Be a Money-Sucking Deal

Why College Doesn’t Have to Be a Money-Sucking Deal

For everyone ever been to college, it is well known how things can so easily get out of control. College is full of fun, experiences, but since you don’t want to end up with a swollen debt on your back in three years. it is time to plan your way to better college finance.

Plan, plan and then plan some

It’s all about budgeting and sticking to it. At the beginning of each month put down all your income and expenses into one piece of sheet. Strive for keeping a small sum of money on the side. For unexpected tickets, sickness, for lending that friend that’s always broke every 14th of the month.

Knowing where the money goes will make you reconsider your spending habits. $150 on drinks per week? Don’t think so. $246 for a pair of Loobootins? Who are you, Gucci’s editor?

Moreover, by being aware of the money each expense absorbs, you’ll be able to more efficiently organize your budget, your cooking habits, and more or less, your whole college lifestyle.

Yes, college is more about fun than education. There I said it, but being drunk and wasted most of your time there is not what our Fathers had in mind.

Stop Buying Textbooks. Rent some

Why buy a $150 worth of book, to only read half of it and never again open it in your life? You can cut the book expenses in half just be renting or swapping books with students:

Sell it to younger students and get yours for a better price from older ones.

Don’t forget the library. That big building stuffed with books, it’s there to save you money (apart from hooking you up with geeky girls of course!)

Parks can be fun too, if there's wi-fi that is.

Means of transportation

Have you checked gas prices recently? They cost more than caviar. I think the time is right to ditch that car and opt for alternative, more hipster-like transportation methods. Plus you get to exercise that butt, rather than having it sit around all day playing War of Warcraft.

Student discounts

From food, to groceries, to textbooks and tickets, students get a lot of privileges these days. The only prerequisite is to search and use them wisely. You can save up to 150-200 per month. And I know a bunch of ways you could take advantage of this money!

It’s all about team work

It’s cliché but it is true: the more the merrier. When it comes to college it can save you a lot of bucks. From planning meals together, to going out in groups, hanging out in hives will get you better deals, more food and a lot more laughters.

Free time aka Money time

College is 75% idleness and 25% studying. You can use at least one third of that-useless anyway- time to increase rather than empty your income. Sell something on Ebay, make and sell something else on Etsy? Find a part-time job? There are countless opportunities, given you are willing!

Fun is for Free

Entertainment doesn’t always need to be costly. Plan alternative, inexpensive nights-out. Trips at the beach, bicycle rides to amusements parks, pic-nics and potlucks, these will cost you way less than a night out at the movies.

Categories: Careers
Mamta Verma: passionate writer