11 Things That Will Help You in Making a Great First Impression

Professionals and image consultants are there to help you to groom yourself to perfection so that you can create that first impression which lasts forever.

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Keep these 11 things in mind while creating the first impression in meetings and interviews.

1. Be Confident

Be it at office space or a discotheque, being confident is the key to creating a good impression. So be self-confident. Believe in yourself and then only others will believe you. But too much of self-confidence is harmful. It may turn things against you.

2. Keep Your Cool

Always try to stay calm and cool. Use in brains in matters of crisis. The presence of mind with brains can solve the mightiest of troublesome issues. For that learn to stay calm.

3. Be Yourself

You are like you. Don’t turn to someone else just to impress others. The one who oughts to like you, will you do so with your real self.

4. Body Language

An important factor in many areas. Your personality should be charming and soothing. Don’t be rude or be rough in any situation. Be friendly with everyone. Everyone is different. Try to behave with the others as the way they are.

5. Be Normal

Biting nails or combing your hair frequently points a finger at your self-confidence. So try to be normal. English must cause many are not acquainted with the vernacular. Moreover English is the language of business and corporate sector. So try to brush up your spoken English skills. Broken and jarred English creates a bad impression.

6. Give Your Best

Do it every day. Try to uphold yourself as high as possible. Be it in respect to clothes or presentation of yourself, behavior too. Try to present yourself in a grand manner.

7. Be Hygienic

Hygiene is of utmost importance. Having a bath regularly, cleaning yourself, brushing your teeth doesn’t need to be told. But don’t forget to use a mouth freshener and perfume. Wear clean, dry, clothes. Don’t be present anywhere in a drunken or high condition.

8. Smile please

Be happy. Your happiness adds to your personality. So try to keep your mind clear of all unhappiness.

9. Be Perfectly Focused

Kahin Pe Nigahein, Kahin Pe Nishaana? Not at all. While speaking to someone try to pay the whole of your attention to that person. For instance, while chatting with a guy at a party, you check out a guy. This may create a bad impression on both of them.

10. Let Others Speak

You keep on saying and the other listens quietly, don’t ever do that. Give them a chance to speak too. Don’t start off in the middle when he is speaking. This may make that person avoid you the next time you are at the same place.

11. Be Interesting

You start speaking anything and everything, that has not got any head or tail, isn’t of much help. So think before you speak and try to add more substance to your conversations. And see the magic work.

Categories: Careers
Tiyash Patra: A very fun-loving girl who likes to live life on her own terms, that's who I am.