While we might vigilantly plan monthly budgets and carefully monitor all expenses, we tend to overlook, or forget money others owe to us. It is often the case that old kids” saving accounts, utility refunds, dividends, securities and so on, just sit unclaimed in financial institutions and service providers.
Year after year, unclaimed money pile up because people are either forgetful or too lazy to claim the money. For instance, a bank tried to reach you a couple of times, but since you moved out and forgot updating your address with them, it is virtually impossible to find you, especially if you no longer do business with them.
However, this is slowly changing as property locator services are now helping people to trace and claim owed money. So, how do you even begin?
Who can Help You?
First, find an information providing service, like Cash Unclaimed Money Search. Such companies, unlike the unclaimed property locator ones, don’t charge you a percentage of the money successfully reclaimed. They just have an enormous database whose basic function is locating your unclaimed money, simple as that.
Find Where your Money Is
With a fee of just $11 you can have unlimited access to all cash records of the Cash Unclaimed Money Search database. A single search can potentially yield thousands of unclaimed money owed to you, you didn’t even know were yours! You’d be surprised to learn one company owes you an insurance check you forgot to cash, and another a telephone deposit refund, for switching to another company.
Be prepared to receive money from all kinds of businesses and service providers, from available bail bonds and securities, to unclaimed checks and child support payments. For just $11 you get unlimited searching capacity for a whole month. This means, you can search and find unclaimed money owed to you and your family from hundreds of institutions.
Reclaim Your Money!
Browsing through the database you will be given the name, telephone number and location of the institution(s) that owes you money. Cash Unclaimed Money Search doesn’t stop there, they even provide you with advice and instructions on which actions to take to effectively reclaim your money.
Why would you have unclaimed money that are rightfully yours just sitting there, when you know how much you need them? Start searching for your money today.