Gunjan Sawhney: The Gluttony Goddess Joins The Lifecrust Bloggers’ Hub!

Gunjan Sawhney’s tryst with writing for Food began during her first internship. She began her career by doing restaurant reviews for The Hindu way back in 2011. She went on to pursue a career in Digital Marketing yet she somehow felt a void that wasn’t being filled with the job she was pursuing. Hence, started the Gluttony Goddess.


The credit for her unstinting love for food and the interest to try every possible cuisine goes to her beloved mother. In Gunjan’s words, “She is a wonderful and definitely the most versatile cook I have ever seen.”


As far as expansion plans are concerned, she would keep the gluttony goddess going till her last breath. In her words, “It’s like my alter ego 🙂 I wish to make people aware about the buzzing food circuit of our city. I look forward to cover cities and make a customized food diary for a first time traveller.”

Word for the readers from the Goddess “The gluttony for food is one deadly sin I am proud to commit, and I hope you all will love to join me in my gastronomic adventures :)”

Categories: Bloggers' Hub
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