Sukhmani Nayer

What Does That Shape Of Your Lips Say About You!

In Chinese face reading, if you change your face, you change your destiny. So, if you mess with your natural…

Mistakes To Avoid During Your Periods!

Since they come every month, we have actually taken these days for granted and forgotten to take care of ourselves.…

Hair Hacks Every Girl Needs To Know

Some amazing life saving hair hacks, that are literally saviour in girls' life and "a must know" for each one…

Reasons To Drink More Of Beer!!

Feel guilty about drinking a beer or two? Don’t feel guilty. Contrary to what you might expect, moderate beer consumption…

Signs That Say Your “Significant Other” Is Also Your Best Friend!

The best kind of relationship is the one, in which you are each others best friends before lovers. You are…

Taurus Women Explained Perfectly!

These are some infographics that describe characteristics and nature of a taurus woman perfectly. So cheers to all taureans out…

Nasty Things That Best Friends Do Together!

Having a best friend is like having a love, support in life. But more than anything it's like knowing that…

3 Ways To Get Those Fuller Lips Without Going Under The Knife!

Many of us envy the voluminous pout of Angelina Jolie and Kareena Kapoor. We all want those seductive fuller lips,…

Use your Microwave in 10 Different Interesting Ways!

Who knew microwave is so much more than just heating up the cold food or making microwave popcorns it. These…

The Best Markets Around The World!

These are the markets from all over the world, famous for something or the other. With their own specialties and…